Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Master Painting - The Scream

( The sound doesn't work because of how I saved it; will try to reupload at home)

What I like most about my animation is the scream, I love how terrifying it sounds! Also, I think that I did a good job at recreating what the background behind the man would look like. To make this, I completely erased the man out and made a background layer for itself and the man over top, this really simplified how my animating went. A third thing i think was successful about this was the timing with the scream and opening of his mouth.
What I like least is the smudging-dripping effect it has when leaving the screen, My original idea was for a slither, but as I continued with the animation, the dripping became a more realistic choice. In the end though, I think that it did turn out very well for the route I took. But one thing i would change is "matching" the dripping, I just used the liquefy at random on each piece as it was a later addition to do the dripping. I think i should have changed the original gradually and save it drip by drip, but I already had some changes made and saved to I opened and changed each of those men.
If Evard Munch saw this I really don't know what he would think because I don't know much about him, but I do know he started this painting in the 1800's, so I think he would just be completely amazed at how we can manipulate his work now.. They didn't even have computers in his time, so being able to do this as I have, would seem like an insanely far fetched dream in his time, So, if I was him, i would be astounded. In all, I would hope he would enjoy and find this really amusing, as I do.

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