Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Utopian Invention Design

1. Give reasons for why you think Da Vinci invented the inventions on the reverse of this sheet.
I think that Da Vinci was a very creative dreamer. I bet that he had many ideas that no one knows about yet. I think that he drew these inventions because they were things that he wanted to be able to experience, like flying. Whether by air plane or from falling and being caught by a parachute. Or his under water contraptions to be able to move freely. Or he just wanted to see what could be done and think of the unthinkable at the time and invent crazy things that would advance the world.

2. Choose one of DaVinci’s inventions, and explain why you think it has had the biggest impact on modern society.
Out of the pictures on the page, I think that the one that had the biggest impact on society is the idea of the airplane. Today, though the design is much different than the one he has drawn here with the screw propeller, the idea has advanced and now we have people flying every day all over the world at all times. Without airplanes, our world would be much different than it is now. People wouldn't be able to move from country to country as easily, we wouldn't be able to get to the other side of the world in a matter of days or a matter of hours. The invention of the airplane has advanced and changed our society so much.

My Ideas:
Money Tree- A tree that grows money for the owners use.
Cloth Folding Washer & Dryer- A machine that washes, drys and then when its done it differentiates and folds your clothing properly for you so you just have to grab it and put it in your drawers, instead of having to move from machine to machine and then fold as well.
Lanuage to Language Voice translator- a machine that takes a voice in a different language and changes it to a language in which the operator understands

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