Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Photo Text

1. What do i like most about my series photos?
The first thing that i like most about my pictures is the difference in colour of all three,  the first the colours are all very dark and neutral feeling, the second being very bright colourful, but with black and white to make it all "pop". And in the 3rd i really like the variants of blues. I also really like, in the third, the feeling it gives of time passing with the radial blur I used along with the clocks. Something that i really like about the second one is all the bright colours! and the yellow band that crosses over his legs. My favourite thing about the first one is the repetition of the person, i had originally had the people fading, but i made them visible and I just liked how that looked so much more.

2.What do i like least about my series photos?
In my second photo the orange words did not bend to the band like i thought it had, i do not like how that looks. In my third photo, i had not realized this in photoshop, but around the person i had cut out my feathering apparently did not work well because i can see little light blue specs that I don't like. and in the first one i do think that the smallest person looks too small. One last thing that i do not like about my series of photos is the high contrast in the second one, because of how i did it i am guessing, the contrast looks like it increased more once i save it, though i still looks cool, i wish is was a little lower in contrast.

3.Which photo was the most successful, overall, of the 3? Why?
I think that first one was the most successful in looks, with not any photoshop mistakes as there are in the others, but my favourite is the third and in creativity and how much i like it i think that is was the most successful. In the third one, there was only one problem with the cutting, but i think that lighting with that focus on him and the radial blur focusing the attention on him, but then you are then drawn to the text that is wrapped around the clocks. The clue gradient map i used to help with the blue colour i think just made it better and more exciting to look at rather than the originals dull colours. I am very pleased with the final results of this one.